App marketing cloud
Tapstream powers user acquisition and
engagement for the world’s top apps.
How app marketers use Tapstream
Personalize the new user experience and boost your engagement & retention rates.
Learn more >Beautiful, easy-to-use-interface with real-time reporting
SDK integration made easy
TSConfig* config = [TSConfig configWithAccountName:@"dogezilla" sdkSecret:@"supersecret"]; [TSTapstream createWithConfig:config];
Config config = new Config("TAPSTREAM_ACCOUNT_NAME", "TAPSTREAM_SDK_SECRET"); Tapstream.create(getApplication(), config);
window.tapstream.create('TAPSTREAM_ACCOUNT_NAME', 'TAPSTREAM_SDK_SECRET', {});
Tapstream.Config conf = new Tapstream.Config(); Tapstream.Create("TAPSTREAM_ACCOUNT_NAME", "TAPSTREAM_SDK_SECRET", conf);
var tapstream = require('com.tapstream.sdk'); tapstream.create('TAPSTREAM_ACCOUNT_NAME', 'TAPSTREAM_SDK_SECRET', {});
Config conf = new Config(); Tapstream.Create("TAPSTREAM_ACCOUNT_NAME", "TAPSTREAM_SDK_SECRET", conf);
TSConfig *config = [TSConfig configWithDefaults]; [TSTapstream createWithAccountName:@"TAPSTREAM_ACCOUNT_NAME" developerSecret:@"TAPSTREAM_SDK_SECRET" config:config];
Trusted by top apps Just a few of our happy customers.

The world's biggest apps rely on Tapstream to understand their app marketing. Get started today - you'll be in good company.