Imagine a vegan downloading a recipe app and seeing an impressively juicy steak on the splash screen. Or a self-proclaimed meat-eater being presented with a delicately cooked Quinoa as the featured recipe. Neither scenario leads to a good first impression.
Often, you advertise or promote your app to a specific group of users. Customizing their first run experience can make a huge difference in how engaged they become with your app.
Tapstream has set out to fix this problem: we can now pass parameters to your app before it's installed, allowing it to respond and customize the first run experience.
Most apps can improve their retention and engagement by using Deferred Deep Links to customize user's first run experience. Some examples include:
Deferred Deep Links act in several stages to deliver parameters to the app. Firstly, if the app is already on the user's device the deferred deep link will invoke the native deep linking functionality on iOS and Android to launch the app with the correct parameter.
More interestingly, if the app is not yet installed on the device Tapstream will save any deep link parameters on our back-end and deliver it to the app once the install is finished and the app runs for the first time.
To do this Deferred Deep Links leverage Tapstream's massive attribution platform. Through the use of our marketing shortlinks and website JavaScript, we can tell you in real-time which marketing channels drove specific installs.
Tapstream does more than just improve your retention and engement through deep links. We also keep track of clicks, conversion rates and even revenue that comes from every single marketing source so that you can focus on channels that are driving your bottom line.
To do this we're integrated with 100+ mobile ad networks, and our simple-to-use campaign shortlinks can be shared anywhere a link goes. For web publishers we even have a powerful JavaScript implementation to track impressions, conversion rate into the app and the avarage revenue per user.
Sign up today and try us out for free. Tapstream has no Monthly Active Users (MAU) limits and works on thousands of marketing channels. Our Deferred Deep Links will make your marketing dollars go further and delight your users at the same time.
So, let's get started: