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How app marketers use Tapstream
Personalize the new user experience and boost your engagement & retention rates.
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SDK integration made easy
TSConfig *config = [TSConfig configWithDefaults]; [TSTapstream createWithAccountName:@"dogezilla" developerSecret:@"supersecret" config:config];
Config config = new Config(); Tapstream.create(getApplication(), "TAPSTREAM_ACCOUNT_NAME", "TAPSTREAM_SDK_SECRET", config);
window.tapstream.create('TAPSTREAM_ACCOUNT_NAME', 'TAPSTREAM_SDK_SECRET', { idfa: '<IDFA goes here>' });
Tapstream.Config conf = new Tapstream.Config(); conf.Set("idfa", "<IDFA goes here>"); Tapstream.Create("TAPSTREAM_ACCOUNT_NAME", "TAPSTREAM_SDK_SECRET", conf);
var tapstream = require('com.tapstream.sdk'); tapstream.create('TAPSTREAM_ACCOUNT_NAME', 'TAPSTREAM_SDK_SECRET', {});
Config conf = new Config(); // For the iOS case only: conf.Set("idfa", ""); Tapstream.Create("TAPSTREAM_ACCOUNT_NAME", "TAPSTREAM_SDK_SECRET", conf);
TSConfig *config = [TSConfig configWithDefaults]; [TSTapstream createWithAccountName:@"TAPSTREAM_ACCOUNT_NAME" developerSecret:@"TAPSTREAM_SDK_SECRET" config:config];
Trusted by top apps Just a few of our happy customers.
The world's biggest apps rely on Tapstream to measure and optimize their app marketing. Tapstream helps app developers in all verticals understand who their best users are, where they came from, and how to get more like them. Get started today - you'll be in good company.