Event reports
Events sent to Tapstream via the SDK are aggregated and analyzed in real time. Event data in the Tapstream dashboard is aggregated by the event's event type.
Events overview
The Events overview screen is accessible from Tapstream's main navigation. It offers two representations of your raw events data. Both representations respect your dashboard's date range.
The totals bar, at the top of the screen, shows the total number of events that occurred in the selected date range, as well as the total earnings from these events.

The events table, at the bottom of the screen, shows a list of all of your event types.
All data on this screen, including the totals bar, can be filtered by the text input box above this table.
Each row in the table has the following columns:
- Edit: Summons a modal that lets you edit the properties of the event type, including its default dollar value.
- Name: A friendly name for the event type. Clicking this takes you to the event type's Details screen.
- Slug: A slugified name for the event type. This is what your SDK uses to report triggers of this event type.
- Total events: The total number of times (not uniques) that this event type was triggered.
- Revenue: The total revenue from this event type.

Event details
Each event type has a Details page. This page shows detailed performance data scoped to the individal event type. You can reach your event types' details pages by clicking on an event type's name in the events table on the Events screen.
The totals bar, at the top of the screen, shows you the total number of times (not uniques) this event type has been triggered, and the total earnings from this event type.